25 Dec 2014
This is a quick reivew of how to list all a catgories videos:
- @category.videos.each |video| do
link_to video, do
- @category.videos.each |video| do
link_to video_path(video), do
- @category.videos.each |video| do
link_to image_tag(video.small_cover_url), video_path(video)
- @category.videos.each |video| do
link_to image_tag(video.small_cover_url), video
20 Dec 2014
Writing Basic Haml
1. No closing tags
2. Nesting controlled via strict white-spacing and indenting
3. Nesting tags must be indented on a new line
4. Use spaces or tabs to nest tags within other tags
5. Tabs must be consistent
%a{href: '/courses', title: 'Courses'} Courses
%a(href="/courses" title="Courses") Courses
<a href='courses' title='Courses'>Courses</a>
<section id="content" class="container">
<div class="stats container"></div>
Haml will insert a div if no HTML tag is explicitly defined:
Note: stats.container is the same as %div.stats.container
<div class="stats container"></div>
Adding Ruby:
- Lines to evaluated begin with a hyphen (-) instead of erb (<% %>)
- Lines to be output begin with an equals sign (=) instead of erb (<%= %>)
- title = 'Rails for Zombies'
%h1= title
<% title = 'Rails for Zombies' %>
<h1><%= title%></h1>
HTML output:
<h1> Rails for Zombies </h1>
- zombies = %w{Ash Bob Jim}
- zombies.each do |zombie|
%li= zombie
<section id="zombies">
You can use the same view helpers as before:
=link_to "Check us out on twitter", "http://twitter.com/codeschool"
<a href="http://"twitter.com/codeschool"><Check us out on twitter</a>
You can also use #{} interpolation to insert Ruby expressions
%p Hi, My name is #{@user.name}
<p> Hi, My name is Casey</p>
15 Dec 2014
The Process of Building Queues from Mockups:
Building out the videos page
Step 1. Copy layout from the ui videos template
%h3 Futurama
%span Rating: 4.5/5.0
%p Pizza boy Philip J. Fry awakens in the 31st century after 1,000 years of cryogenic preservation in this animated series. After he gets a job at an interplanetary delivery service, Fry embarks on ridiculous escapades to make sense of his predicament.
Step 2. Change/Remove hardcoded data for future code
%h3= @video.title
%span Rating: 4.5/5.0
%p= @video.description
Step 3. Build Routes corresponding with future code
Myflix::Application.routes.draw do
resources :videos, only: [:show]
Step 4. Begin testing videos controller spec
05 Dec 2014
Items Covered:
- Slicing Mockups
- Haml
How to serve sliced mockups pages
Slicing with UI Controllers
We will use a UI controller that will point to pages that we need, such as "sign in" page, "account page".
Currenty the data and images in these layouts/templates are hardcoded with data and images (nothing is actually linked to the database)
Because we don't want these templates accessible in prod, we have a before filter to ensure that that's the case:
class UiController < ApplicationController
before_filter do
redirect_to :root if Rails.env.production?
layout "application"
def index
In the routes:
get 'ui/:action)' , controller: 'ui'
UI Index
So we want our index action to show all views available with links containing ('html.haml') unless its index:
- Dir.glob('app/views/ui/*.html.haml').sort.each do |file|
- wireframe = File.basename(file,'.html.haml')
- unless wireframe == 'index' || wireframe.match(/^_/)
%li= link_to wireframe.titleize, action: wireframe unless wireframe == 'index'
- To read more about UI Controllers, checkout this blog post from hashrocket:
In this project, we will use application.css (manifest file) that will pull in all of our required files (asset pipline). You had several options - some devs like to use 1 sass/css stylesheet for their entire app, in this case, we broke it out according to the page (user sign in, billing, etc.)
There are two options when using sass, sass and scss. Scss is more verobse but desgined to be compatible with vanilla css. In this case, we are using sass because its less verobse.
We are also using Haml instead of ERB. Haml appears to be more succint because it uses indentation instead of closing tags
27 Nov 2014
The Process of Going from Ideas to Products
Prototype process for web applications
Step 1. You have an idea
Step 2. Build wireframes
- balsamiq mockups
- moqups.com
- Communication: not for design but merely for commuincation (to yourself, designers, devs, and the client)
- Workflow
- Scoping
Points for wireframing:
- Don't over design, this is to quickly put together a concept
- When you wireframe - you want to do several versions and iterate from there. This will free your from the attachment to your idea.
Step 3. Design
*Look & Feel
*Tools: Typically Photoshop, producing a .psd file
Step 4. Slicing
Taking the .psd file and turning it into mockups. At this point, you want your .psds to as pixel perfect as possible because this is where we turn the psd into html/css
Step 5. Development
The advantage of this process is that it isolates the each step into layers, allowing you to explore many alternatives at each step.