Build Robust & Production Quality Applications - Lesson 8: Feature Tests with Javascript

Selenium Webdriver

To date, our feature tests have been fun using Capybara, which using RackTest. While it is very fast, by default - it does not support javascript. Adding ":js => true" to your test, will switch to the Capybara.javascript driver (Selenium Webdriver) - which will actually launch a browser to run the feature test.

require 'spec_helper'

feature 'Visitor makes payment', js: true do

background do
  visit new_payment_path

scenario "valid card number" do
  expect(page).to have_content('Thank you for your business!')'

scenairo "invalid card number" do
  expect(page).to have_content('Your card has expired!')

scendario "declined card" do
  expect(page).to have_content('Your card was declined!')

def pay_with_crdit_card(card_number)
  fill_in "Credit Card Number", with: card_number
  fill_in "Security Code", with: "123"
  select "3 - March", from: "date_month"
  select "2015", from: 'date_year'
  click_button "Submit Payment"

Tips: Your Selenium Webdiver must be compatiable with your latest version of Firefox.

Capybara Webkit

Since Selenium Webdriver is really slow, we will go with Capybara Webkit which is faster. This will require you to install the Capybrara Webkit gem and also install Qt locally (using homebrew). Make it the default js runner by declaring so in your spec_helper:

Capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit

To run tests with Selenium Webdriver so you can see what is happening in the web browser, simply add "driver: selenium" to the spec:

scenario "valid card number", driver: selenium do


Must install PhantomJs locally but it has a very nice feature set and allows for extensive customization.