Rapid Prototyping with Rails: Lesson 4, part 3
15 Nov 2014Items Covered:
- voteable validations (ajax and regular flows)
- exposing APIs
- extracting common logic from models
- creating/publishing gem
Voteable Validation:
We want to prevent users from voting on the same post or comment twice, but at the same time, allow them to vote on multiple posts, comments, etc.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :creator, scope: :voteable
Showing Js Errors when voting
You have two options: 1. Alterting out (currently implemented) 2. Traverse the DOM
Just like with using to change the number of votes, we can also create a div.
<div id="post_vote_error_<%= post.to_param %>" class="alert alert-error" style="display: none">
You can only vote once.
if @vote.valid? %>
('#post_<%= @post.to_param %>_votes').html('<%= @post.total_votes %>');
else %>
('#post_vote_error_<%= @post.to_param %>').show().html('<%= @vote.errors.full_messages.join'('') %>);
APIs are how applications talk to each other. API versioning is a big deal - you have to have a versioning strategy, typically done by the date.
Extracting common logic from models
When you have common code in your models, you really have tow options to DRY your code:
1. place code in your superclass.
2. Extract code into a module
Extracting Common Logic from Models
-One way to do so is through module which is the next is Post.ancestors lookup chain.
1. Go into your application.rb file
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
So what this line of code does, is it directs your rails application to load t
his path and files in it everytime your application starts up, including the
voteable.rb file found
2. So just like with modules how we add '-able' on the end of our module name,
we create a file called Voteable.rb under the lib folder:
module Voteable
class InstanceMethods
class ClassMethods
3. ActiveSupport::Concern
ActiveSupport is a gem.
ActiveSupport::Concern (comes with Rails 4) says that all the instance methods
listed within it are going to be instance methods when you mixin the module.
4. To include class methods within the module:
module Votable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def total_votes
module ClassMethods
def my_class_method
5. Add the common methods the are to be extracted from your model
module Votable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def total_votes
self.up_votes - self.down_votes
def up_votes
self.votes.where(vote: true).size
def down_votes
self.votes.where(vote: false).size
6. Add include Voteable to your model
7. Now if you run Post.ancestors => the Voteable module will be right behind the
Post class.
8. Modules also give us an included do block:
included do
puts "I'm being included"
The first time the object is called, "I'm being called is printed"
9. This is a perfect candidate for has_many :votes, as: :voteable
included do
has_many :votes, as: :voteable
*can be done for the comment and posts
Creating a Gem!
So we were able to extract common methods into a module, but what if we needed the same
functionality across several projects:
- to list gems in terminal: gem list gem
1. You need gem: gemcutter (0.7.1)
2. mkdir voteable-gem
3. Create voteable.gemspec file within folder
4. Add the following tex t:
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = "votable_chris_oct"
s.version = '0.0.0'
s.date = '2013-10-23'
s.summary = "A voting gem"
s.description = "The best voting gem ever"
s.authors = ['Jamela B.']
s.email = 'jamela.black@gmail.com'
s.files = ['lib/voteable_chris_oct.rb']
s.homepage = 'http://github.com'
5. Create lib folder, and voteable_chris_oct.rb file within it
6. Cut and paste common code from module
Module VoteableChrisOct
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def total_votes
self.up_votes - self.down_votes
def up_votes
self.votes.where(vote: true).size
def down_votes
self.votes.where(vote: false).size
7. Now, using gemcutter, type in terminal:
gem build voteable.gemspec
8. Then, push to rubygems.org:
gem push voteable_chris_oct-0.0.0.gem
9. To list your newly made gem to make sure
the push was successful:
gem list -r voteable_chris_oct
gem 'voteable_chris_oct
You don't have to do this apparently.
10. Next you must include the file name in your application.rb file
require 'voteable_chris_oct'
11. The include the module name in your model
include VoteableChrisOct
12. For changes or updates to your gem:
You want to change your version number in your gemspec, run gem build and push to
rubygems. Then you may want to specify the gem version in your gemfile
gem 'voteable_chris_oct', '=0.1.0'
13. What if you don't want to publish everytime you make a change and
you just want test locally, then in your gem file you only have to specify the path up to the parent directory:
gem 'voteable_chris_oct', path: (just run pwd in your terminal)
14. To remove a gem from rubygems, just run the following in your terminal:
gem yank voteable_chris_oct -v '0.0.0'
15. When making changes to your gem file, you should run
bundle install --without production
16. Changes made within your module are hotlinked to your app so all changes are made live without updating your gem version