Build Robust & Production Quality Applications - Lesson 8: Fully Integrated API Tests

The are generally two options when testing third party API wrappers. We could only go to the where the TPA is and call the API and create fake response data - so what we are testing is given the generated response, can your application interpret the response and generate the desired result. On the other hand, we can go all the way to the extent to hit the TPA server and hit their server, getting the real response and intergrate our wrapper code with that data to test it.

In this instance, we are writing fully intergrated API specs require 'spec_helper'

describe StripeWrapper::Charge do

before do StripeWrapper.setapikey end

let(:token) do Stripe::Token.create( :card => { :number => cardnumber, :expmonth => 7, :exp_year => 2016, :cvc => 390 } ).id end

context "with a valid card" do let(:card_number) { '4242424242424242' }

it "charges the card successfully" do
response = StripeWapper::Charge.create(amount: 300, card: token)
expect(response).to be_successful


context "with invalid card" do let(:card_number) { '4000000000000002' } let(:response) {StripeWrapper::Charge.create(amount: 300, card: token) }

it "does not charge the card successfully" do expect(response).notto besuccessful end

it "contains an error message" do expect(response).to eq('Your card was declined') end end