layout: post title: "Build Robust & Production Quality Applications - Lesson 6: Procfile & Foreman" tags: tealeaf

On your server, you can run both web and worker processes locally - you can also do the same on Heroku, identifiying the processes you would like to run in your Procfile. A procfile is placed in the root of your diretory and declare what types of processes you want run in your app.

In your procfile, you will define:

<process type>: <command>
web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work (example from delayed jobs)
worker: sidekiq

Develop locally with Foreman

Instead of having to start both Sidekiq and our Rails server locally, we can use format to initiate both processes by runniong "foreman start" in your app directory.


will parse out the web processes from your Procfile.

heroku ps

will list the processes running

heroku logs

will list all process types

Heroku will allow you to run one web & worker processes but if you'd like to run more, it may costs.