Build Robust & Production Quality Applications - Lesson 1: First test in Rspec

  1. Add Rspec to your gemfile, make sure to include in both test and development:
group :test, :development do
    gem 'rspec-rails'
  1. rails g rspec:install

Generates three items: 1. .rspec file - contains "color".. just means you want your output to be color-coded 2. spec folder 3. spec helper - where configuration goes

  1. Create models folder inside spec folder

  2. Create a todo_spec.rb within the models folder (name of model)

  3. Within todo_spec.rb you must:

require 'spec_helper'

  describe Todo do
    it "saves itself" do
      todo = "cook dinner", description: "love me some din din") == "cook dinner"

** "it" is a keyword that begins each test

** "do" implements the test

** .should is another keyword will test to see if we have the desired result.

** == is the matcher

How to run rspec outside of Rails

  1. Create a project folder
  2. Inside the project folder, create a lib folder. Your code that you're testing will go inside here.
  3. Create another folder: spec, where your .spec test files will go.
  4. Make sure to require your code files inside your specs.